I have been unable to contact ZaneyBid.com for the past couple of days. ZaneyBid is completely unavailable and if you go to their website it is like the website doesn't even exist. I first heard about issues with their site from Penny Auction Watch and from Facebook. Customers for the past month have not been receiving their products. Even those that have received the products that they won from the penny auctions, it took 3-4 weeks for them to receive them. "Willie" and "Zaney" have been completely unable to contact. You can try yourself by calling:
405-225-7496 or 1-800-442-5813
This is really unfortunate for the customers of ZaneyBid.com and for all other penny auction sites. ZaneyBid definitely gives penny auctions a bad name.
I am going to add ZaneyBid.com to my list of CLOSED SITES. http://bidpenny.blogspot.com/p/closed-sites.html
You can read more at Penny Auction Watch's forum: http://www.pennyauctionwatch.com/forum/penny-auction-red-flags/10993-zaneybid-com-horrible.html#post93466